The public channel owners can now get paid by Telegram Messenger. The project allows them to receive up to 5 percent of the revenue generated from the adverts on their channels. However, eligibility comes with a condition that the channels’ eligibility criterion is that they should have 1,000 or more subscribers. Pavel Durov, the CEO of Telegram, made the statement on the 31st of March that channel owners should think of new ways of monetizing.
The remuneration will be paid in Toncoin (TON), the system’s home crypto. This decision was taken after Durov disclosed the plan in February 2024, which corresponds with the launch of the Telegram Ad Platform. Following this announcement, TON’s worth increased by 111%, thus, from $2.51 to $5.30, which is significant growth.
Zero-fee earnings for Telegram channel owners
The strategy of Telegram is to give channel owners 50% of the ad revenue from Toncoin. This approach is an illustration of the system’s determination to include blockchain technology in its processes. With each channel generating no less than one trillion views each month, telegram channels become a vast audience pool for advertisers. Those who own a channel have the possibility of taking their earnings without the incidence of charges, making the program more attractive.
The addition of Toncoin as a payment method for ad purchases underscores Telegram’s support for the initiative. Ads appear exclusively on Telegram channels based on the content type shared. This targeted approach helps ensure relevancy and engagement, benefiting both advertisers and the audience.
A new era of channel monetization
Before the introduction of this revenue-sharing model, channel owners relied on various methods to monetize their following. These included selling paid posts, charging for access to private channels, and selling products. The new system presents a formalized way to earn from content creation, transforming how creators engage with their audience and monetize their efforts.
The platform, ranked third in monthly messenger app downloads, trails only behind WhatsApp and Snapchat. This position highlights Telegram’s significant user base and the potential for channel owners to capitalize on the new ad revenue-sharing program.
Hence, in the response made by Justin Hyun, an investment director at Ton Foundation, the broader perspectives of the strategy Telegram has chosen are unfolded. He considered the blockchain-powered mini-apps in Telegram to be a “Trojan horse” for blockchain adoption. The main goal of these Min Apps is to make the user’s interaction with blockchain technology easier, avoiding the necessity of knowing the technology’s working principle in detail.
The foundation aims to onboard 500 million people onto the blockchain by 2028. Teaching will be done through simple use cases integrated into Telegram, with the purpose of creating an easy introduction to blockchain. Mini Apps are nonchalantly introduced as DApps, ensuring that users can experience the new product more easily. This approach is in line with Telegram’s mission of linking together blockchain technology and its usefulness to the user, improving user experience, and creating new opportunities in the digital sphere.
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