
Arbitrum liquidity protocol Jimbos suffers $7.5 million ETH hack

Arbitrum airdrop: $500K Tokens Stolen Through Hacked Vanity Addresses

In a shocking development, Jimbos, an Arbitrum liquidity protocol, was recently breached by an unidentified hacker. The cybercriminal made off with 4090 Ethereum (ETH), which equates to roughly $7.5 million at current rates. The recent breach of the Arbitrum liquidity protocol, Jimbos, contributes to an alarming trend in the cryptocurrency ecosystem: the increasing number of […]

Gandalf AI Experiment Underscores the Urgent Need to Fortify AI Systems

gandalf ai

TL;DR Breakdown A groundbreaking cybersecurity game called Gandalf AI has exposed a startling vulnerability in ChatGPT, a widely used artificial intelligence language model developed by OpenAI. The game, developed by cybersecurity firm Lakera, provides insight into how individuals can manipulate ChatGPT into performing malicious actions, highlighting the pressing need for enhanced AI security measures. This […]

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