The Atlantis hard fork that Ethereum Classic (ETC) underwent on September 12, 2019, without any mishaps has been a great success. This is the first step taken by the Ethereum Classic to create a better working environment with The Ethereum (ETH) network.
The Atlantis hard forking news had brightened ETC’s future and had it running better off than ETH in the long run. Ethereum classic still trades for six dollars ($6.24) with a twenty-four (24) hour volume valued at four hundred and sixty-seven million dollars ($467,739,598).
For the Atlantis update to work, the users had to update their client so that they won’t be cut off from the main grid. Ethereum Classic Labs had the paperwork ready, to ensure that the users knew just what they’d be receiving with the update. Interoperability with the Ethereum network was the chief upgrade among the bug fixes and more tools.
The Atlantis hard fork was much anticipated
Ethereum Classic Atlantis hard fork has activated!Great collaboration of the whole community.
Good job! #EthereumClassic $ETC
— Roy Zou (@realroyzou) September 12, 2019
The Atlantis hard fork traces its roots back to Ethereum’s ‘Byzantium’ protocol. This was adopted by the Ethereum blockchain after much debate on the matter and has thus far worked out great for the ETH blockchain. The same is expected with the ETC blockchain and if the ETC mainnet stays stable then moving smart contracts and DApps between both the chains will be easy.
The Atlantis hard fork has worked as glue to bind the Ethereum community together. It’s a monumental moment in history and technically speaking a rather big innovation according to Ethereum Classic Lab’s CEO, Terry Culver.
True, this isn’t a side-chain project that’s been conjoined with the mainchain to provide a scalability solution, rather, it’s the union of two full-fledged blockchain projects sharing products.
Interoperability is one thing but the Atlantis update comes with the Jade Suite of Tools for developers. The tools suite is targeted at helping developers immerse in a more user-friendly environment regarding DApp development. The report states of ten (10) total improvement in the blockchain among which are the op-code upgrade and the zk-Snarks tweaks via precompiled smart contracts.
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