
Microsoft Prompt Engineering Tips Refine Outputs of AI-Language Models


TL;DR Breakdown

  • Microsoft unveils a comprehensive guide on prompt engineering, providing valuable insights into crafting effective prompts for AI- language models.
  • The guide emphasizes the importance of clarity, specificity, and providing relevant context in prompts to optimize the performance of language models.
  • Microsoft’s tips for prompt composition include being clear and specific, providing sample outputs, and refining prompts through an iterative process.

Microsoft recently unveiled a comprehensive guide on prompt engineering, offering invaluable insights into the art of crafting effective prompts. The guide delves into various aspects, including prompt structure, composition tips, clarity, specificity, and the provision of sample outputs and contextual information. Emphasizing the importance of guiding the model toward producing optimal results, the guide highlights the usefulness of incorporating examples and relevant context. It acknowledges that refining the outputs generated by the model often involves a dynamic process of trial and error, requiring iterative adjustments to achieve the desired outcome.

What is a prompt, and how do you engineer it?

A prompt is a specific instruction or input provided to a language model to elicit a desired response or output. It serves as a starting point for the model’s generation process, guiding its understanding and shaping the subsequent output.

A prompt consists of context and a task/query. The context provides relevant information or background for the model to understand the desired output. For example: “Context: You are a high school teacher. Task/Query: Create a lesson plan on the topic of photosynthesis, including learning objectives, activities, and assessment methods.”

Prompt engineering refers to the process of strategically designing and refining prompts to optimize the performance of a language model. It involves considering factors such as prompt structure, clarity, specificity, sample outputs, and relevant context to guide the model toward generating more accurate and relevant responses. By carefully crafting and iterating on prompts, prompt engineering aims to enhance the quality and effectiveness of desired language model outputs.

Microsoft Tips for composing prompts

Crafting effective prompts is a crucial aspect of prompt engineering, and Microsoft offers valuable insights and tips to enhance the art of composing prompts. While the following list of tips is precise and to the point, it provides a solid foundation for optimizing prompt construction and obtaining desired outputs.

  • Be clear and specific
  • Provide sample outputs
  • Provide relevant context
  • Refine, refine, refine

Be clear and specific – guiding the model for desired results

When composing a prompt, clarity and specificity play a vital role in shaping the outputs generated by the model. The more explicit and detailed the instructions, the fewer assumptions the model needs to make, resulting in more accurate and targeted responses. It is crucial to place boundaries and constraints within the prompt to guide the model toward producing the desired outcomes. For instance, a good prompt may specify the required format, criteria, or constraints, such as “Provide a summary of the main findings in a maximum of 150 words.” Conversely, a vague prompt lacking clarity and specificity, like “Summarize the findings,” may lead to ambiguous or inconsistent outputs due to the model’s interpretation.

By being clear and specific in their prompts, developers and users can effectively steer the model’s understanding and encourage it to generate outputs aligned with their intentions. Providing explicit instructions and setting well-defined boundaries within the prompt empowers prompt engineering to yield more accurate and reliable results.

Provide sample outputs – guiding the model through zero-shot and few-shot learning

To kickstart the generation of outputs, leveraging the preconfigured settings of the trained model, known as zero-shot learning, offers a quick approach. However, to further enhance the model’s performance and tailor its outputs to specific tasks or domains, providing sample outputs becomes invaluable. By sharing examples, particularly using similar data or scenarios as the intended working context, the model can be better guided to generate more accurate and desired results. This technique, known as few-shot learning, harnesses the power of examples to enhance the model’s understanding and improve the quality of its generated outputs.

For instance, let’s consider a scenario where you want the model to summarize news articles. Through zero-shot learning, the model can generate a general summary based on its pretraining. However, by providing sample outputs of previously summarized news articles within the same domain, you can train the model to capture specific nuances, improve the coherence of the summaries, and ensure consistency with the desired style and tone. This way, the model becomes better equipped to handle the task of summarizing news articles effectively.

Provide relevant context – grounding the model for enhanced performance

In prompt engineering, offering relevant context by providing facts and additional information is a powerful technique to guide the model in answering questions and performing various tasks. This process, known as grounding, involves anchoring the model’s understanding of factual information. Bing, Microsoft’s search engine, utilizes a similar approach to enhance its AI capabilities. Along with submitting a query, perform a search to provide information from relevant web pages. The contents of these web pages are then incorporated as an additional context within the prompt, empowering AI models to generate responses that are more aligned with the user’s intent.

For example, let’s say you want to utilize a language model to assist in answering historical trivia questions. By including relevant historical facts and details as a context within the prompt, such as the specific time period, historical figures involved, or significant events, you can provide the model with a solid grounding in history. This additional information enables the model to generate responses that draw upon relevant historical knowledge and increase the likelihood of accurate and informative answers.

Refine, refine, refine – the iterative path to optimized outputs

In prompt engineering, the journey toward generating optimal outputs often involves a process of trial and error. It’s important not to be discouraged if the initial results don’t align with your expectations. Instead, embrace an iterative approach and experiment with the various techniques outlined in this article to discover what works best for your specific use case. One effective strategy is to reuse the initial set of outputs generated by the model as a valuable resource for refining subsequent prompts.

By incorporating the initial outputs into the prompt as additional context and guidance, you provide the model with a feedback loop that informs and guides its subsequent iterations. This iterative refinement process enables the model to learn from previous attempts and produce more refined and accurate outputs over time. So, don’t hesitate to refine, iterate, and leverage the generated outputs as stepping stones toward achieving the desired results. Remember, success often lies in the persistence and adaptability to fine-tune the prompt-engineered models until they align with your expectations.


With the release of this guide, Microsoft aims to empower developers and users to leverage the full potential of prompt engineering. By understanding the intricacies of prompt construction, practitioners can enhance the performance and accuracy of language models. The guide’s emphasis on clarity and specificity in prompts assists in eliciting precise responses from the model. Furthermore, the inclusion of sample outputs and relevant context allows the model to grasp the desired intent and generate more appropriate and coherent responses. By adopting the iterative approach suggested in the guide, developers can fine-tune the outputs and iteratively refine the prompt-engineered models, ultimately leading to improved outcomes and a more tailored user experience.

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Aamir Sheikh

Amir is a media, marketing and content professional working in the digital industry. A veteran in content production Amir is now an enthusiastic cryptocurrency proponent, analyst and writer.

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