Telegram games, “Tapswap” and “Yescoin”, on Thursday announced plans to launch on The Open Network, or TON, along with tokens later. The soaring popularity of the so-called ‘clicker games’ on Telegram is the latest sign of the crypto hype cycle as users seek bigger returns by simply tapping their screens.
Also read: TON outperforms other blockchains thanks to Web 3 clicker games
Tapswap, which initially planned to integrate with Solana, said in a post on X that the decision to move to TON is the “best option for delivering the ultimate experience for our growing community.” Separately, Yescoin posted on its official Telegram channel that it is working with TON for its planned launch and hinted at a new token called “YES”.
Telegram mini-apps drive game growth
Tapswap claims that over 50 million people play the game. The game rewards users for tapping the screens of their phones or computers. There are rules and limits on the number of tokens that one can tap per time based on the level they have reached.
⚡️⚡️⚡️Exciting News: Blockchain Announcement
We're thrilled to announce that TapSwap will launch on the TON blockchain!
This well-thought-out decision is the best option for delivering the ultimate experience for our ever-growing community.
Stay tuned for more updates and…
— tapswap (@tapswapai) June 13, 2024
Yescoin players can participate in in-game activities to earn coins and increase their earnings. The Open Network said over 18 million players have joined Yescoin in one month.
Also read: Hamster Kombat to Launch Token on TON Blockchain in July
The plans by Tapswap and Yescoin come after the success of Notcoin, a TON-based tap-to-earn game, which reached 35 million users within five months. Meanwhile, Hamster Kombat, another tap-to-earn Telegram-based crypto game has stolen the show though, gaining over 100 million users in a few months.

Telegram has seen a surge in apps building on the platform. At the heart of the clicker games boom are Telegram “mini-apps” – web applications that run inside the messaging platform. The company’s CEO, Pavel Durov, said recently that mini-apps such as Notcoin and Hamster Kombat grow quickly because users don’t need to install them on their devices.
Notcoin launched a token on the TON blockchain called ‘NOT’ and Hamster Kombat is planning to do so in July. Likewise, Tapswap doesn’t have a token yet, but the platform is reportedly planning to list on exchanges in July.
Cryptopolitan Reporting by Jeffrey Gogo
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