It simply shocks me sometimes, when I think of what crypto world have become today.
And to think about how did it all start back in the day – a community of smart, intelligent people, too shy to be out there with the rest of the world,sitting in front of our computers instead, doing whatever: little coding, plenty of gaming (Hey, Fallout, and WOW. How many sleepless nights…). I was playing with social media a lot, poisoned with decentralization, even back then, without really knowing anything about it. Generating traffic, making some pocket money, but really dreaming about the future of all this, where we’d see the promotion of only the products we truly need, not wasting our time or money on intermediaries.
Dreamers. That’s what we were. Why else would we spend our lives in front of the monitors? Creating, building, trying and failing. And communicating. It gets lonely, you know? And surprisingly warm and comfy when you realize that you’re not actually alone. Because there were thousands of other lonely people out there, nerds and dorks, as we were called back then, in the very same position,sharing the same thoughts and values. That is why those forums and chatboards were steaming hot back in the days.
So, to me, there is no surprise that the very best things that we now use daily and consider being a part of our modern life, was dreamed of and created back then,including Bitcoin. And we used it not because we had a solid financial education and understood how much better it is than the old financial system. No! We used it because we believed in it. Just that stupid, maybe a childish belief that, for once, the smart ones would win, and not the bullies.
It is very clear to me (and for any old school dreamer) why Satoshi remains incognito. And why he always will. It is evident to me why Vitalik and his crew work like madmen, instead of relaxing and concentrating on their riches. In fact, there are many more dreamers like Vitalik and Satoshi out there. And only thanks to them we will always have hope for the best.
Now, let’s brace ourselves and look at what people are calling cryptocommunity these days. People who only discovered crypto around the end of 2017, after all of this mad hype have started, and who thinks that Bitcoin is a penny stock, or at least Bitcoin equals to binary trading that will make them rich fast.
Daily, polite and well-dressed people from private funds are reaching out to me. They all want the best people, best projects. They represent their investors that already made lots of money on previous hypes and now want a slice of crypto. Their motivation makes me smile. They honestly think that if they offer a large enough percentage off the deal, I will drop everything else and start “selling off” my partners, people I grew up with, dreamers with vision.
I miss the good old days!
When Ivan On Tech didn’t charge for his ICO reviews and would call me on Skype, and we’d discuss his first ever appearance on BlockShow as a speaker, that did not even existed, only in plans.
When I would call Ameer Rosic and ask him whether or not Tapscott-senior would be interested in advising this decentralized retail loyalty points startup. Ameer told me then that this was not the first and certainly not the last one.
Fairly, it’s not all that bad. Lots of guys still remained “true”. Vitalik and his crew are still true. Guys at Cryptopolitan are true. Ameer Rosic is true. Thank you all for remaining who you really are, despite all of this.
And thank you Bitcoin for proving dreamers right! For letting dreamers stay dreamers and continue to building and making our lives better.
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