
What Stablecoins Are Top Picks for 2023?

Cryptocurrencies are usually identified by many features, such as blockchain technology, a decentralized network, and high market volatility. These digital assets are always on the move, generating high profits for investors as well as severe market losses in a matter of days.

Stablecoins are a type of digital asset created to be immune to this ravaging volatility of the cryptocurrency market. These coins allow people to enjoy the benefits of cryptocurrency without worrying about any potential price change – negative or positive.

In this piece, we shall discuss what stablecoins are, the types of stablecoins, the pros and cons of stablecoins, and the stablecoins list for 2023.

What is a Stablecoin?

A stablecoin is a cryptocurrency, the value of which is pegged to a traditional currency, commodity, or financial instrument. They are primarily designed to limit the volatility in the crypto market by having a fixed market value. 

Crypto Volatility- Stablecoins to the Rescue 

The cryptocurrency market’s volatility is no news to investors and the world. While cryptocurrencies have experienced widespread adoption in recent years, there remains a persistent concern about the frequent and unpredictable market movement of these tokens – which sometimes results in drastic losses for investors. This dilemma led to the creation of stablecoins. 

Stablecoins are cryptocurrencies with a fixed market price. These coins usually have their value pegged to a fiat currency or commodity. To maintain this fixed value, most stablecoins are usually backed with collateral which can be national currencies, other crypto assets, or hard assets.

Since the invention of the first stablecoin cryptocurrency in 2014, this unique crypto asset has garnered much attraction, attaining insane adoption levels. Currently, there are about 200 stablecoins in the crypto world, with a total market capitalization of $153.13 billion, representing 14.68% of the entire cryptocurrency market.

There are many reasons behind the popularity of stablecoins. For example, stablecoins run on blockchain technology like other cryptocurrencies; thus, they present benefits such as high transaction speed, borderless payments, network anonymity, etc. 

Their price stability, combined with the merits of blockchain technology, makes them a preferred asset to other cryptocurrencies for the payment of goods and services in the real world.

Furthermore, many traders have adopted stablecoins as a safety measure during extreme market volatility. They convert all their crypto assets to stablecoins while waiting for the market to gain some stability. In addition, stablecoins are profitable lending assets capable of generating interests as high as 20% for investors.

Types of Stablecoins 

Stablecoins are grouped into different categories based on the type of asset that supports their price stability. The following are the types of stablecoins :

Stablecoins Backed by Commodity 

These are stablecoins whose value is pegged against hard assets such as gold or real estate. Gold metal is the most popular hard asset used as collateral for stablecoins. Other precious metals that serve as support for stablecoins include silver, platinum, and palladium.

Stablecoins Backed by Crypto Assets

Some stablecoins are backed by crypto assets. The collateral in these cases can include other stablecoins as well as regular volatile cryptocurrencies. To safeguard against losses due to market volatility, the stablecoins in this category are always overcollateralized. This means the value of the collateral assets is always more than the value of the circulating supply of stablecoin.

Stablecoins Backed by Fiat Currency 

This is the most popular type of stablecoins in the market. As the name implies, they are backed by fiat currency deposits held in traditional banking institutions. The US dollar is the most common fiat currency used as collateral for stablecoins. Other collateral currencies include Euro and the Chinese Yen.

Stablecoins Backed by Seigniorage

These are stablecoins whose price stability is maintained by an algorithm. In their purest form, these tokens are non-collateralized and are entirely decentralized. Every operation of the stablecoin is regulated by an algorithm that sets the supply, demand, and target price.

Top Stablecoins

In the realm of cryptocurrencies, stablecoins stand as a cornerstone of reliability. Stablecoins hold a pivotal role within the cryptocurrency ecosystem. Their significance lies in providing much-needed stability. Unlike many cryptocurrencies, which can exhibit extreme price fluctuations, stablecoins aim for unwavering stability, often mirroring the value of established fiat currencies.

Stablecoins are a crucial bridge between the highly volatile cryptocurrency market and the conventional financial world. Their primary purpose is to offer a secure and predictable store of value, enabling users to transact and invest without the rollercoaster-like price swings often associated with cryptocurrencies.

These digital assets achieve stability through various mechanisms, with the most common one being pegging to established fiat currencies such as the US dollar. This pegging ensures that the value of stablecoins closely mirrors that of the fiat currency they are tied to. Stablecoins may also employ collateralization, algorithmic control, or asset backing to uphold their stable value.

In essence, stablecoins provide:

  • A reliable and secure alternative within the cryptocurrency landscape.
  • Making them suitable for everyday transactions.
  • Hedging against market fluctuations.
  • Participating in various blockchain-based applications.

Their capacity to offer stability while harnessing the advantages of blockchain technology makes them a vital component in digital finance.

The Vital Role of Stablecoins in the Cryptocurrency Ecosystem

The cryptocurrency market, known for its wild price fluctuations, finds a stabilizing force in stablecoins. These digital assets, designed explicitly for price stability, are pivotal in cryptocurrencies.

The Significance of Stablecoins

In a market with extreme price volatility, stablecoins provide a dependable anchor. Their primary importance lies in mitigating the inherent risks associated with cryptocurrencies. Stablecoins offer users and investors a predictable and consistent value, unlike their volatile counterparts. This stability instills confidence and trust among market participants, making stablecoins an essential component of the crypto ecosystem.

Stability Amidst Turbulence

The significance of stablecoins becomes even more apparent when considering the chaotic nature of the crypto market. Cryptocurrencies can experience rapid and unpredictable price swings, making them less suitable for everyday transactions, savings, or financial planning. Stablecoins address this issue by maintaining a stable value, often pegged to a fiat currency like the US dollar.

A Bridge to Traditional Finance

Stablecoins also serve as a bridge between crypto and traditional financial systems. They enable users to transition in and out of cryptocurrencies without exposing themselves to the risk of sudden and substantial price fluctuations. This characteristic is precious for traders, investors, and businesses seeking stability in their financial operations.

The Heart of DeFi

Beyond their role in everyday transactions, stablecoins are the lifeblood of decentralized finance (DeFi) platforms. These platforms rely on stablecoins to provide the necessary liquidity and stability for lending, borrowing, and yield farming activities within the DeFi ecosystem. With stablecoins, the DeFi space would be able to function efficiently.

Their ability to provide a dependable value amidst crypto market turbulence makes them an indispensable tool for anyone navigating the world of digital assets. As the crypto ecosystem evolves, stablecoins will likely remain a linchpin, fostering broader adoption and enabling new financial innovations.

Exploring the World of Stablecoins

Stablecoins, the bedrock of stability in the cryptocurrency realm, come in various forms, each harnessing a unique mechanism to maintain a steady value. These digital assets provide a vital bridge between traditional finance and the volatile crypto market. Let’s dive into the four main types of stablecoins:

Fiat-Collateralized Stablecoins

Fiat-collateralized stablecoins are firmly tethered to conventional currencies, with the US dollar being the most common anchor. For every unit of stablecoin issued, an equivalent amount of fiat currency is securely held in reserve. 

This ensures that the stablecoin’s value mirrors the underlying fiat currency, maintaining a 1:1 value ratio. Prominent examples of this category include Tether (USDT) and USD Coin (USDC).

Crypto-Collateralized Stablecoins

Crypto-collateralized stablecoins derive their stability from cryptocurrencies locked as collateral. Users commit a specific amount of cryptocurrency, such as Ethereum (ETH) or Bitcoin (BTC), to a smart contract. This collateralization enables the issuance of stablecoins, and the smart contract autonomously adjusts the supply to preserve a stable value. 

Although offering decentralization, these stablecoins are susceptible to fluctuations in the underlying collateral. Notable examples include DAI and sUSD (Synthetix USD).

Algorithmic Stablecoins

Algorithmic stablecoins rely on intricate algorithms and smart contracts to dynamically manage supply and demand. Instead of collateral, they employ algorithmic mechanisms to expand or contract the supply of stablecoins, adapting to market dynamics to maintain price stability. 

Unlike fiat-backed stablecoins, these do not rely on physical assets or currencies for stability. Ampleforth (AMPL) is a prime example, adjusting its supply daily based on market conditions.

Commodity-Collateralized Stablecoins

Commodity-collateralized stablecoins are anchored to physical assets such as gold or other valuable commodities. These stablecoins possess a reserve of the chosen commodity, ensuring their value closely tracks the commodity’s price. 

Users often can redeem these stablecoins for the underlying commodity, adding an extra layer of security. PAX Gold (PAXG) is a notable instance, backed by one troy ounce of gold per token.

Stablecoins provide diverse options for users seeking stability within the unpredictable cryptocurrency market. Each stablecoin type brings unique advantages and considerations, catering to distinct user preferences and requirements. 

Understanding these categories is paramount for individuals navigating the cryptocurrency landscape and selecting the stablecoin that aligns with their financial objectives.

Top Stablecoins list in 2023

In the fast-evolving world of cryptocurrency, stablecoins have emerged as a reliable cornerstone, offering users a haven of price stability amidst the often turbulent crypto seas. These digital assets are pegged to real-world assets, providing assurance and a predictable store of value. In 2023, five stablecoins stand out, each with unique features and market position.

Tether (USDT)

Tether is one of the first stablecoins and has been a trailblazer in the industry. Its longevity and extensive adoption across exchanges make it a go-to choice. USDT is used for trading and transferring value across different blockchain networks, making it versatile. Tether undergoes regular third-party audits to ensure its reserves match the circulating supply, enhancing transparency and trust. 


USDC is a stablecoin pegged to the US dollar, with a 1:1 value ratio. It is known for its strict regulatory compliance, adding an extra layer of security for users. It’s seamlessly integrated into various blockchain platforms, making it accessible for developers and applications. USDC is widely used internationally, providing users with a stable and universally recognized digital dollar. 

Dai (DAI)

Unlike other stablecoins, DAI is decentralized and not backed by a single entity. It maintains its stability through smart contracts on the Ethereum blockchain. Users can lock up various cryptocurrencies, including Ethereum (ETH), to generate DAI, providing flexibility and diversification. DAI holders have a say in the governance of the stablecoin system, adding a democratic element to its operation.


True USD is known for its strict adherence to regulatory standards and is regularly audited by third parties. Users can verify the amount of TUSD in circulation through real-time proof of reserves, enhancing transparency. TUSD is widely used in decentralized finance (DeFi), offering stability within the volatile DeFi ecosystem. TrueUSD is another fiat-collateralized stablecoin that offers stability and transparency. It’s audited regularly to ensure USD reserves fully back it.

Binance USD (BUSD)

BUSD is issued by Binance, one of the largest and most reputable cryptocurrency exchanges globally, instilling user confidence. It offers fast transaction speeds and low fees within the Binance ecosystem, making it ideal for traders. BUSD can be transferred across different blockchain networks, offering flexibility for users.

Uses of Stablecoins


Stablecoins play a pivotal role in the cryptocurrency trading ecosystem. Traders often use stablecoins as a haven to mitigate risks during market volatility. Instead of converting their assets into traditional fiat currencies, traders can swiftly switch to stablecoins to safeguard their holdings. This strategy allows traders to remain in the crypto market while minimizing exposure to price fluctuations.


Stablecoins bridge the crypto and traditional financial worlds, making them an attractive option for investors. They can quickly move funds in and out of crypto investments without significant price risk. Investors can park their capital in stablecoins while waiting for favorable market conditions, providing a strategic advantage for long-term portfolio management.


Stablecoins offer a cost-effective and efficient solution for cross-border remittances. Traditional international money transfers often involve high fees and lengthy processing times. Stablecoins, on the other hand, enable near-instant and low-cost cross-border transactions, making them a preferred choice for remittance services. Users can send stablecoins globally with minimal fees, ensuring that the intended recipient receives the total value of the transfer.

Decentralized Finance (DeFi) 

Stablecoins are the lifeblood of the burgeoning DeFi ecosystem. They serve as the primary medium for lending, borrowing, yield farming, and liquidity provision within DeFi protocols. Users can deposit stablecoins into DeFi platforms to earn interest or collateralized assets for loans. 

The stability of these coins ensures that users can engage in DeFi activities without worrying about substantial value fluctuations.


Crypto enthusiasts and businesses often use stablecoins as a hedging mechanism. In times of market uncertainty, they can temporarily convert their crypto holdings into stablecoins to lock in their value. This safeguard allows them to navigate bear markets or potential downtrends with confidence.

Risks and Challenges in the World of Stablecoins

Stablecoins, while offering several advantages, are not without their share of risks and challenges. It is crucial to understand these potential pitfalls before engaging with stablecoins:

Regulatory Concerns: One of the primary challenges facing stablecoins is regulatory scrutiny. Governments and financial authorities are increasingly concerned about the potential misuse of stablecoins for illegal activities, including money laundering and fraud. 

Consequently, they are actively working on implementing regulations to govern stablecoin issuance and usage. These regulations vary widely between countries, creating a complex compliance landscape for stablecoin projects.

Centralization: Some stablecoins may exhibit centralization tendencies, which can undermine the decentralized principles of cryptocurrencies. Centralized control over stablecoin issuance, reserves, or governance can lead to censorship, lack of transparency, and counterparty risk. Users may find themselves exposed to the decisions and vulnerabilities of a central authority.

Counterparty Risk: In the case of fiat-collateralized stablecoins, users rely on the issuer’s ability to maintain an equivalent reserve of fiat currency. If the issuer faces financial difficulties or mismanagement, it can impact the stablecoin’s stability and redemption capabilities. This counterparty risk is a concern that users must assess when choosing a stablecoin.

Smart Contract Vulnerabilities: Crypto-collateralized and algorithmic stablecoins often rely on smart contracts to maintain their stability. These contracts can be vulnerable to bugs, exploits, or hacks, which could result in the loss of user funds. Users must conduct due diligence and ensure the security of the underlying smart contracts.

Market Volatility: While stablecoins aim to maintain a stable value, they may only sometimes succeed, especially during extreme market conditions. A sudden loss of confidence in a stablecoin’s peg or a significant market shock can lead to price fluctuations. Users should be aware that stablecoins are not entirely immune to volatility.

Lack of Transparency: Some stablecoin projects may need to provide more transparency regarding their reserves, audit reports, or governance decisions. Users may need help to assess the legitimacy and stability of such stablecoins.

Future Trends

The future of stablecoins holds promise and innovation:

Diverse Stablecoin Types: The stablecoin landscape will likely diversify further, with new types emerging, each catering to different needs and preferences. This includes hybrid stablecoins combining characteristics of existing types.

Integration in Traditional Finance: Stablecoins are poised to become more integrated with traditional financial systems, potentially bridging traditional and crypto markets.

Enhanced Privacy Features: Some stablecoins may incorporate advanced privacy features, addressing concerns about transparency while maintaining stability.

Global Adoption: Stablecoins are expected to witness increased global adoption, especially in regions with volatile local currencies, as a reliable store of value and medium of exchange.

Pros of Stablecoins 

Digital currency

Stablecoins are cryptocurrencies with the full benefits of blockchain technology. These coins have fast settlement times and can be used for cross-border transactions. They are also easy to access, like the traditional cryptocurrencies on exchanges, and are stored with crypto wallets.

No market volatility

The most significant advantage of stablecoins is their ability to maintain a fixed price level (all things being equal). This particular feature is essential to the numerous investors worldwide who wish to have crypto investments safe from market volatility.

Hedge against falling markets

Due to the nature of stablecoins, market traders commonly use them to hedge against other cryptocurrencies in a falling price market. 

Cons of Stablecoins 


Unlike most regular cryptocurrencies that are fully decentralized, most stablecoins are issued by a centralized organization that exhibits significant control over the currency. Most stablecoins also have their collateral assets managed by a single authority. 

No price growth

With stablecoins, there is no expected price growth. Investors do not record any profit by keeping stablecoins in their portfolio because of their pegged-price nature. 

Fear of asset loss

This is associated mainly with Seigniorage-backed coins. As experienced earlier this year with the TerraUSD(UST), algorithmic coins can collapse. In such scenarios, investors are likely to lose their investment as there is usually no collateral backing for such coins.


Stablecoins play a pivotal role in the cryptocurrency ecosystem by providing a reliable and stable digital asset. They offer users a secure means of storing value and transacting within the often volatile crypto market. As the cryptocurrency landscape continues evolving, stablecoins will likely maintain their significance and utility. For those exploring the crypto market, stablecoins are essential for mitigating price volatility and facilitating various financial activities, from trading to remittances. They offer a stable entry point into cryptocurrencies, enabling users to navigate the market confidently.

On a final note, it is pretty clear that stablecoins are here to stay. These digital assets have the massive potential to accelerate cryptocurrency adoption as they allow individuals to explore the market without fears of price volatility. One could already think they have fiat USD stored up in their wallets. With their “stability” and ever-growing demand, stablecoins look set to play a vital role in bridging the gap between cryptocurrency and the traditional economy. 


Should I invest in stablecoins?

Suppose you seek a safe cryptocurrency investment with no fear of market losses. Then you should invest in stablecoins.

Can you make money holding stablecoins?

You cannot make money by merely holding stablecoins as they have fixed value. However, you can earn interest on your stablecoins by lending them on DeFi protocols.

How are stablecoins regulated?

The regulation of stablecoins varies by jurisdiction. Governments and financial authorities actively develop regulatory frameworks to address stablecoin issuance and usage.

Are stablecoins decentralized?

It depends on the type of stablecoin. While some are decentralized, others exhibit centralization tendencies, such as control over reserves or governance.

What are the risks of using stablecoins?

Risks associated with stablecoins include regulatory concerns, centralization, counterparty risk, smart contract vulnerabilities, market volatility, and lack of transparency.

How can stablecoins be used in the crypto market?

Stablecoins have various use cases, including trading, investments, remittances, and participation in decentralized finance (DeFi) platforms. They offer stability in a volatile market environment.

Disclaimer. The information provided is not trading advice. Cryptopolitan.com holds no liability for any investments made based on the information provided on this page. We strongly recommend independent research and/or consultation with a qualified professional before making any investment decisions.

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Micah Abiodun

Micah is a crypto enthusiast with a strong understanding of the crypto industry and its potential for shaping the future. A result-driven Chemical Engineer (with a specialization in the field of process engineering and piping design), Micah visualizes and articulates the intricate details of blockchain ecosystems. In his free time, he explores various interests, including sports and music.

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