TL;DR Breakdown
- The US finally approved the $900 billion Covid rescue package.
- Some senators expressed they were not included in the decision making.
- Ethereums blockchain can transmit information to the right people.
The Ethereum blockchain could help US bureaucracy
Congress finally, approved the long-overdue $900 billion Covid rescue package. The process was stuck on pause for months.
The US was wasting precious time it did not have as the country most impacted by Covid. The US to date has 18.1 million cases. The first thing that slowed them was their slow response to approve the vaccine.
Quickly the US used up its resources.
US bureaucracy
Both parties had senators express how frustrated they were in the process as it only included the top tier congress leaders.
Staff were then allowed to organise the final legislative language. Mike Bruan, Indiana Republican, expressed his frustration to CNN and said the system is failing because the whole country’s responsibility is in the hands of a few.
The process highlighted how flawed the US bureaucracy is and how they need a tool to quickly gather the troops and engage the right people. With Russia having successfully hacked into America’s system once, it is no surprise the Government is not keen and able to engage many people.
Using Ethereum (ETH) could help the US communicate with a broad range of the right people, efficiently and securely and improve US bureaucracy.
The Ethereum blockchain is an excellent solution
The ETH smart contracts allow for information to be stored and delivered securely. Thanks to Ethereums smart contracts, people can personalise what they want the blockchain to do and be used for.
The blocks within the blockchain can be used to store information. There is no central force overseeing the blockchain, making it more reliable because the information cannot be distorted.
The system is also a very trusted one because its ETH 2.0 upgrade will ensure it has up to 16 validators making the system impenetrable from outside forces like Russia. Forbes argues that a blockchain is an excellent tool with education because it can store information and keep it secure.
The US Government could equally use ETH to secure information.
The future
ETH is not there only to store information, but its peer to peer technology means that you can send information directly to whomever you need to send information to. Some blockchain healthcare companies store thousands of patients information on the blockchain and can transport that information securely.
Blockchain could prevent senators from complaining about not being consulted or engaged in a political process because a lot of information could be transmitted to all the necessary people via ETH. Imagine sending one key message to all senators, securely.
There is no fuss about the information leaking out because it can even be codified on the ETH network. The speedy peer to peer system also means that the messages can be delivered quickly.
It is essential for US bureaucracy that everyone should feel engaged. It is also vital that the senators are engaged because they represent the states that elected them and can provide the people’s view.