The world’s largest and the most preferred online encyclopedia Wikipedia has partnered with Brave browser to take online advertising space to the next level.
With its integration into the Brave browser, an open and free source of browser platform that intercepts advertisements and website tracking, it will feature as the first top-10 verified sites on the platform and accept gratuities and donations in the form of Basic Attention Tokens (BAT). is now a verified #Brave browser publisher. Alexa Rank: 7
— bot (@batgrowth) August 27, 2019
Brave browser revolutionizing online advertising
Brave is on a journey to make far-reaching changes in the online advertising space with the help of its Ethereum blockchain-based token called BAT. Using BAT, the online advertisers directly connect with their audience on a decentralized platform. It has transformed the way content developers reap profits, and users choose and view their advertisements online.
Although the inception stage of its development process involved small-time content websites, it has quickly spread its reach across the internet and lured in some prominent and most-visited website hosts. Earlier this month, social media platform Twitter, social news aggregator Reddit, video platform Vimeo, and a famous British newspaper The Guardian, jumped on its bandwagon.
An innovative concept such as this makes Brave browser powerfully ensconcing itself with the already established players such as Google and Facebook, who have gained dominance over the online marketing space.
Will Brave browser emerge as a revenue-generating source?
With the likes of Wikipedia going in with the ad-free browser model as one of its ratified publishers, Brave has positioned itself in the market as a cryptocurrency-based browser that offers faster, secure and wholesome browsing experience.
In spite of drawing some high-profile publishers into its consortium, it remains to be seen whether the content contributors do get paid through tokens. For instance, Wikipedia has a team of over one hundred and twenty thousand editors who contribute to the website’s material at their own expense.
Although Brave a has a long way to go before becoming a significant source of income for these contributors through BAT rewards and tippings, the revolutionary concept is gaining some momentum and made social media platform to stand up and take notice.
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