Tahini’s, a Middle Eastern restaurant that operates in Canada has converted all its cash reserve into Bitcoin. The company says Bitcoin offers more and much better alternative to cash savings.
The restaurant made this announcement on Twitter saying Bitcoin offers more and all its entire cash has been converted to Bitcoin. Starting its operation in London, a Canadian city in southwestern Ontario. Chain Tahini’s operates in four locations with three others set to open in Ontario.
As a small company that started in London Ontario Canada we operate 4 corporate locations and 3 Franshise locations about to open up in Ontario. We just converted our entire cash reserves that were originally used as savings into #Bitcoin
— Tahini’s (@TheRealTahinis) August 18, 2020
Time for thread 👇🏽👇🏽👇🏽
Sighting the global lockdown in March and its effect on their business, the restaurant explains that business was tough on them and people were scared to go out to eat. The firm explained further that times were tough and they had to let go of many of their staffs when they wanted to expand their business.
Their plans to expand was faced with an obstacle the firm explained that the government assistance programs in Canada made it very hard for them to bring back partners (employees) as they were making more money staying at home and not working.
They explained that within the twinkle of an eye, they went from an economic crisis to everyone having a lot of money saying income rose and business began to boom again.
Waking up to the reality, Bitcoin offers more!
It was at this point the firm began to get awakened to the reality of time and see how Bitcoin offers more saying it was apparent to us that cash didn’t have the same appeal. That eventually with all the excess cash circulating the economy, fiat would be worthless explaining their attraction to Bitcoin.
One of the restaurant owners said what brought him to becoming a Bitcoin enthusiast after coming across cryptos in the past and his icon Warren Buffet calling it a rat poison made him pay no attention to it.
However, he started having a rethink when he read an article “The Number Zero and Bitcoin” by Parallax Digital CEO Robert Breedlove. Following that, he spent the next couple of months accumulating bitcoin in his personal account.
Bitcoin, a true saving technology
Afterwards, he bought even more Bitcoin after reading The Bitcoin Standard by Saifedean Ammous, The Price of Tomorrow by Jeff Booth, and articles by Plan B. He said he bought more after listening to a number of people in the bitcoin niche, such as Trace Mayer, Peter McCormack, and Anthony Pompliano.
In his opinion, he sees Bitcoin as a true free savings technology that stores wealth across time and space.
Afterwards he explains the company decided to store all of our excess cash reserves into bitcoin as it offers a much better alternative to saving cash.
The firm said further that they will continue to do that over the coming years and maybe forever if they don’t have a need for the fiat.
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