The very idea of blockchain revolves around decentralization of the data to ensure utmost transparency, privacy, and security. Doesn’t it sound like everything we have been demanding from our politicians? Transparency of their government operations so we could see our countries progress. Social, Economic and personal security that would allow the citizens to prosper in a healthy environment. Last but not least, privacy over the internet that would not compromise personal documents and details.
In the last decade, we have seen nations moving together to demand these three things from their governments and even the United States is on the list, actually especially the United States and the United Kingdom. Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg appeared before the U.S Senate Committee over privacy issues. POTUS Donald Trump faced accusations of Russian hackers meddling with last election results to turn things in his favor. The tide is hard and fast but the winds are changing now.
Yesterday, presidential candidate John McAfee announced that he would be using blockchain technology to drive campaign polls during his upcoming presidential campaign. That is a positive sign, especially when we already have politicians who believe in developing cryptocurrencies, yes we are talking about Colorado and California.
But McAfee also indicated that given his success into the POTUS office he is looking to apply a transparent system – read blockchain based – to ensure that the voting systems stay transparent. The pilot has already been tested in the United States midterm elections through a decentralized blockchain ledger based application Voatz.
Voters across the globe, reportedly in about thirty counties (30) have already tested the process that required them to register with a state identification and verify their identity through a video.
The was secure through blockchain which is why the results can be considered secure and clean without any doubts of meddling since the number of votes and the voting choices were distributed in blockchain ledgers to be unlocked for counting. The United States has set a precedent putting the blockchain voting system on the mainstream. This is not an isolated example either, in the past years, Japan and Switzerland have already demonstrated.
Experts believe that it is only a matter of time that the trend would hit developing and underdeveloped countries across the globe since the three essential benefits of the blockchain, i.e., transparency, privacy, and security is what every individual in the world demand and accept with pride.
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