Joe Mucheru, the Cabinet Secretary for Kenya reviewed a report from Bitange Ndemeo that advises Kenya is embracing blockchain technology for better security.
This is in a bid to tackle problems such as; land frauds, corruption, and election problems that have been causing Kenya massive setbacks.
Joe Mucheru’s view on the report is that with the implementation of blockchain, it will be a win-win situation for Kenya. With superior security measures, reliability and flexibility options compared to what the country currently has, blockchain will be the holy grail.
The release of the report is closely tied to the event of Joe Mucheru suing for not letting the report reach the higher offices, including the president. However, the report has now progressed up on the hierarchy ladder and is in safe hands. Moreover, the report has been made public to let the people know of Kenya’s commitment to modernity and security.
The government that takes over a country must be chosen on fair and unbiased elections in a democratic state. A better way, with the advent of blockchain, is to implement the voting system. Surely, Kenya isn’t the first one propose such an idea, but it might just leave a mark for others to follow through.
Kenya will have to wait till 2025 for its system of voting to be fully functional. The reason is simple: not much has advanced in the field as of yet to help the country move forward with its ideas.
The Internet of Things (IoT), Big Data, Data science and5g to match the necessary speeds that re required for humongous data chunks to be transferred haven’t debuted in Kenya as of yet.
However, this six-year delay will surely benefit Kenya, not just regarding the aforementioned aspects, but also with other technological developments that are to take place with time.
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