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Ethereum Upgrade 101 

-Casper protocol is a hybrid for PoW and PoS to improve scalability on Ethereum. -The upgrade is done in two phases; The Beacon phase and the Sharding phase. -The Casper Protocol is set to ensure mass adoption and ETH`s price surge.

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Ethereum Upgrade

Ethereum is the world’s second-largest digital currency and the most popular platform for decentralized applications (dApps). However, Ethereum presently has certain limits. One of its main drawbacks is scalability. To address all of the issues linked with this technology, Ethereum is currently undergoing a transformation known as Ethereum 2.0 or Casper. Casper is the PoS implementation that will eventually turn Ethereum into a PoS blockchain.

What is Casper?

The two Proof of Stake protocols come as Friendly Finality Gadget (FFG) and Correct-by-Construction (CBC). Casper is a PoS algorithm that may be adopted and implemented in many other blockchain networks. The Casper FFG algorithm, also known as Vitalik’s Casper, is a hybrid of POW/POS consensus algorithms. Casper focuses on a multi-step transition to adopting PoS for the Ethereum network.

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The second approach, known as Casper CBC, employs a correct-by-construction protocol.  The PoW consensus method is founded on computational processing power but has several problems.  The PoS consensus algorithm, on the other hand, relies on token-holders deposits to reach an agreement.

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Casper Protocol`s two phases 

The Beacon Chain is the first phase of the chain. Here the PoS concept will be introduced to the Ethereum blockchain.  Beacon Chain will be a new blockchain that runs parallel to the current Ethereum network and will be used to manage and synchronize validators. Sharding marks the second phase. This phase will provide massive scaling by dividing the Ethereum network into numerous shards. Each shard will be able to execute transactions in parallel.  The Ethereum network can presently only process about 15 transactions per second (TPS). Sharding would allow it to scale to thousands of TPS, if not more.

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Advantages of the Casper protocol to Ethereum 

The upgrade lowers the environmental impact. PoS systems don’t require as much effort to validate transactions, so miners don’t need as powerful hardware or spend as much on electricity.  This implies lower expenses and a lesser environmental effect. The upgrade improves scalability. The procedure is more energy-efficient. The major advantage of moving to proof-of-stake is that it will be more energy efficient in the long run.

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The Casper consensus mechanism is a protocol that aims to transition Ethereum from version 1.0 to version 2.0, also known as “Serenity.”  The long-term goal of Ethereum 2.0 is to be faster, more efficient, and highly scalable in the long run.

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Enthusiasts think that the last part of the Protocol will set it apart. Some systems have previously allowed malicious actors with nothing to lose to participate in the validation process.  The Protocol punishes bad conduct during this time. Validators must be vigilant about their node’s uptime as a result of this.

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Casper Protocol`s impact on the market

There’s a lot of work to be done before Casper is finally finished and put into action. Its effectiveness and security at this point are unproven.  There are several details to be finalized and changed. We can’t know how it will look or function until it becomes a version available in Phase 0 of the Serenity upgrade.

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How ready is the protocol?

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